Get 100% Building Financing!!*combined%20office2*jpg?alt=media&token=f2c0fe5a-2074-4f8b-8890-3cee64e218f0

Are your employees tripping over each other while performing their work?

Is your small space not only lowering productivity but also affecting morale?

Is your business ready for that larger permanent location?

Casillas Capital Partners Inc. was formed to provide businesses a clear, transparent, and straight to the point approach to business loan programs.

Our goal is to help you to expand your business with a strong focus on guiding you towards your goal of move out of your currently undersized office space and purchasing your larger facility.

You qualify if:
✅ You can handle a 45 day close on their properties...
✅ You are purchasing $400K+ properties...
✅ You have a 660+ credit score…
✅ You have been in business for over 2 years

To take the next steps towards getting 0% down financing for your dream building purchase fill out the form below.*IMG_20200509_104159_5*jpg?alt=media&token=534cae24-e567-4164-8e39-cd9f1f4b7962

Hello, my Name is Jonathan Casillas founder of Casillas Capital Partners Inc.

I am a father of four beautiful daughters and US Army veteran
(Iraq 08-09). That's Xena my service dog in the picture with me.

As a business owner, I understand there are a lot of options to choose from when searching for financing/loans for your business.

Fill out the form above to begin the process and turn your dream of owning your larger location into reality.

See What Others Are Saying About Jonathan Casillas.